The gothic and sweet lolita style

The gothic and sweet lolita style

Lolita style

The lolita style is a clothing fashion that came from Japan and more precisely from Tokyo in the 1960s. It is not a disguise but a fashion that embodies femininity, modesty and innocence. This fashion was then divided into several sub-cultures such as sweet lolita, gothic lolita elegant or aristocratic, punk lolita and many others.

Sweet lolita style

 Sweet lolita fashion is characterised by knee-length dresses or skirts with blouses decorated with lace and ribbons. Accessories include knee-high socks, parasols, mini hats or headbands, called headdresses. On the feet, Victorian boots or maryjanes shoes, but also rocking horses. White and pastel colours such as baby pink and light blue are predominant. As far as motifs or fancy accessories are concerned, everything that touches the world of childhood is welcome, including plush and sweets.

Estilo sweet lolita

Gothic lolita style

Gothic lolita fashion is similar to sweet lolita in terms of the shapes of the clothes but is inspired by the imaginary world of vampires and is generally composed of black and white, red or purple. This style includes motifs from the western gothic world such as crosses.  The gothic lolita elegant or aristocratic styles are mainly composed of black or dark clothes with a more Victorian and romantic side.

Estilo gothic  lolita